Bit of a big post and a first for me doing one like this but it's a topic that frustrates me in the world of karate....i keep getting comments of it should be done this way or that way, or don't train with another Sensei or my way is the best way. 🙃🥋 These are pictures of some of the senseis I have trained with, all fantastic, all have something different and unique to add to karate, and, im sure there will be plenty of more I train with and I can't wait.
Now yes I follow my two senseis the most, I'm super grateful for them, they have helped improve and develop my karate hugely, plus I have the luxury of getting to train with them multiple times every week 😀.But that being said I still want to visit different sensei and different karate clubs. Not because my sensei are "bad" or I'm not developing. Not at all. Quite the opposite, like i said before, they have helped my massively, but I think it's beneficial to train elsewhere or at seminars from different instructors from different "styles" of karate and not even just karate but other martial arts
Why ?
1) They might show different ideas or views that you think work better for you, for your body type or goals in karate/martial art. But what if they don't, then great, it reinforces what your already doing at your dojo with your sensei, or at least that's how I view it. When I go to a seminar, no matter how good or bad it is, I alway take something away from it. If it's a new idea, or if it supports what I'm already doing.
I went to one seminar and it was almost complete opposite to what we do at our club and I loved it. It took me out my comfort zone, made me feel like a beginner again and that was so great. Importantly though it allowed me to compare two different ways of doing the same thing and make a decision what best suited "MY KARATE".
2) You get to meet new and amazing people (yes sometimes you meet the opposite, who for some reason question your every movement and look down at you 😅) but making these new connections is great, again you get to explore and share new ideas within karate and ultimately that's what it's about. That's what all the old "masters" done. They went and trained and fought with other masters so they could develop their karate. I've got friends around the world now because of karate and I look forward to seeing them all.
This is another reason why my senseis are great, they encourage me to explore and train and bring new ideas back and for that I'm ever thankful.
To those who sit in a box and say my sensei is the only one doing karate properly or your style is inferior to what we do, you haven't really grasped the idea behind karate. Especially in this day and age, when we have so many fantastic sensei/instructors/ "styles" about us. Go and explore and develop your Karate, that's the goal 🥋😀